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stack of branded envelops

Integrated (Integrated Investment Partners, LLC) is a venture fund partnering with value-aligned companies and entrepreneurs that are transforming the health and well-being of our communities around the globe.

  • Services

    Brand identity

    Art direction

    Website design


  • Design Team

    Spencer Woolcott

    Saxon Campbell

  • Web Development

    Dennis Ramirez

The brand formation centered on the connection between humanity, nature, and the spirit of renewal. Wherever possible, we intended the brand to feel alive — breathing, pulsing, evolving. In the digital space, that came from subtle motion elements and interactions that greeted users on the homepage. In static pieces, such as print, it was mixing photography subjects (nature, landscapes, vistas, sky, humans, etc.) and graphical elements, such as blurs, gradients, and solid shapes.

ipad screenshot of webpage listing medical companies
side by side business cards
"Integrated" logo in white on mountain scene
mission statement next to abstract colors and shapes
envelop on rocks
half circle and triangle in black on colored gradient
business card standing on side
corporate letterhead on nature background
three mobile screenshots
two envelops standing on end
three brand icons and logos
nature image covered by purple gradient